Every year, countless people die unnecessarily from natural disasters. The PlanetLab is concerned with understanding upheavals in the atmospheric, hydrospheric and lithospheric Earth systems and the ways that humans are impacting these systems in ways that ultimately compromise our own health and well-being. Our goal is to reduce the suffering associated with global change and associated disasters. Central to this goal is understanding how human decision making directly impacts the systems that keep us alive – this is the premise of Planetary Health, the framework upon which we build our work.

– Our Vision –

By exploring the interaction between Earth and human systems, we strive to eliminate loss of life caused by atmospheric, hydrologic, and tectonic hazards.


The common thread across our projects is how humans impact landscapes that in turn affect their ability to survive in the face of disaster.


Our research examines how disasters expose vulnerable systems and how communities exhibit resilience in the aftermath of an impact. 


PlanetLab takes pride in being trans-disciplinary. With our shared values as a guide, we thrive on new ideas, passion and hard work.